Picture description with Montessori grammar symbols: SET 3Digitale

Picture Description Activity is composed of 6 beautiful pictures and word cards to create sentences to descripe the pictures. Because of its design, the activity makes it possible to work with on many different levels of difficulty! The task provides error control at the back of each picture. 

The activity makes use of the Montessori grammar symbols and is designed for young learners, however, it may be used with older students as well 🙂 

To read more about this material and the various ways you can work with it, go to: https://www.montenglish.com/post/picture-description-with-montessori-grammar-symbols-one-activity-multiple-options

Tipo di scuola scuola primaria
Classe /età Terza elementare, Quarta elementare
Materia Inglese
File documento .pdf
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Numero di pagine (incluso il frontespizio) 16
Il materiale contiene risposte?
Il materiale è adatto per (puoi sceglierne diversi) Insegnante, Genitore, Attività indipendenti dello studente
Note aggiuntive per i genitori
Quanto dura solitamente l'attività (da...a) 15 - 30 minuti
Ulteriori informazioni relative al tempo attivo


I've been an English teachers for over 15 years now and I love what I do. It took me many years to realise what age group I like working with the most: kids and pre-teens. It also took me some time to realise how much I dislike testing, grading and useless paperwork, in other words, all the things that stop me from doing what I am supposed to be doing: being with my students. There are two quotes from Maria Montessori that sum up exactly what I do and what I strive for: "The greatest sign of success for a teacher...is to be able to say, "The children are now working as if I did not exist." & "The first aim of the prepared environment is, as far as it is possible, to render the growing child independent of the adult." The moments I can drink coffee and just watch my students working away, not needing me, are my favourite. This is why I plan my lessons in a way that limits my involvement to the absolute minimum. This is also why I create materials which allow students to check and correct their own mistakes.

And for those of you who'd like to know: I studied Early Years Education with TEFL at Gdansk University for 3 years. After getting my Bachelor's degree, I went on to study English Philology for another 5 years, graduating with a Master's degree. The final mark on my diploma says "Excellent" 🙂 Recently, I have also completed a Montessori and autonomous language learning based training course for teachers of second languages at Montessori Stiftung Berlin. I'm also an AMI certified Montessori 6 -12 Assistant.

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