GUESS WHO game personal data + QR code

If your students need to revise giving personal data in English and you want to make it fun, you are going to enjoy our GUESS WHO game. 

The only thing you need to do is to print and cut out the handouts which are included in this set. The rest is already done!

Your students need to complete the handouts with their personal preferences and when everybody is ready ask them to collect the handouts and mix them.
The next step is to ask a volunteer to read/present the information on the handout (depending on the level of your students they can just read or try to make full sentences). The rest should guess who is it about.

If your students need to revise some useful phrases before playing, there is a QR code with a warm-up task (you can also click here):


Her favourite school subject is Chemistry and her favourite colour is blue.
Her favourite dish is fish and chips and her favourite season is summer.
She likes playing football and listening to music. She doesn’t like Maths and reading. She has got a younger sister. Who is it?

Is it … ? (name)

Tipo di scuola scuola primaria
Classe /età Quarta elementare, Quinta elementare, Prima media, Seconda media, Terza media
Materia Inglese
File documento .pdf
File immagine
File video
File audio
Download Tag , , , , , , , ,
Numero di pagine (incluso il frontespizio) 5
Il materiale contiene risposte? No
Il materiale è adatto per (puoi sceglierne diversi) Insegnante
Note aggiuntive per i genitori
Quanto dura solitamente l'attività (da...a) fino a 45 minuti
Ulteriori informazioni relative al tempo attivo


Noi siamo Ania (Anna) e Kasia (Caterina). Veniamo dalla Polonia.
Insegniamo inglese e polacco agli stranieri. Creiamo risorse didattiche per rendere le nostre lezioni più divertenti e interessanti per i nostri studenti.?

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